1997年6月、富樫明生の音楽プロデュースにより、シングル「Feelin' Good ~It's PARADISE~」でデビュー。
「ごきげんだぜっ ! ~Nothing But Something~」,「Rhapsody in Blue」,「We can't stop the music」,「if...」など数々のヒットを放つ。
2001年発売のベスト盤「Da Best of Da Pump」は128万枚を売り上げた。
2009年「新生DA PUMP」として「SUMMER RIDER」をリリース。
2018年6月 約3年半ぶりにリリースした29枚目のシングル「U.S.A.」が大ヒット、MV再生回数は2億3千万回を超える(2021年1月現在)。
同年12月「第60回 日本レコード大賞」《特別賞、優秀作品賞》を受賞。
「第69回 NHK 紅白歌合戦」に出場、ISSA 以外の現メンバーは初出演となった。
2019年6月「LIVE DA PUMP 2019 THANX!!!!!!! FINAL」を日本武道館で開催。
2019年8月 メンバーもゲスト出演を果たした「劇場版仮面ライダージオウ Over Quartzer」の主題歌、「P.A.R.T.Y. ~ユニバース・フェスティバル~」を発売。
2019年10月~12月「LIVE DA PUMP 2019 Funky Tricky Party」で全国ツアーを行う。
同月12月「第61回 日本レコード大賞」《優秀作品賞》を受賞。
「第70回 NHK 紅白歌合戦」に出場。2年連続で出場を果たした。
2020年2月さいたまスーパーアリーナにて「LIVE DA PUMP 2020 Funky Tricky Party FINAL」を開催。
2020年3月「Heart on Fire」をリリース。
2020年5月「U.S.A.」が2020年JASRAC賞 外国作品賞を受賞。
2020年11月 初の単独オンラインライブ「LIVE DA PUMP 2020 DA NEWE GAME」開催
2020年12月「第62回 日本レコード大賞」《優秀作品賞》を受賞。3年連続で受賞。
2021年 3月「Dream on the street」をリリース
2021年 5月、現在の6人体制となる。
Vocal & Performance Group
In June 1997, DA PUMP made their debut with the single “Feelin' Good ~It's PARADISE~,” produced by music producer Akio Togashi.
In 1998, the group made their first appearance in the NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen singing contest. They appeared in the annual contest five consecutive times up to 2002.
Many of their songs such as “ごきげんだぜっ ! ~Nothing But Something~,” “Rhapsody in Blue,” “We can't stop the music” and “if...” became big hits.
In 2001, the best album “Da Best of Da Pump” was released and sold 1.28 million copies.
In 2008, the current members joined the group.
In 2009, they released “SUMMER RIDER” as “Reborn DA PUMP.”
In 2014, DA PUMP became a group of seven members
In June 2018, their 29th single “U.S.A.,” which was their first single release in the previous three and half years, recorded a smash hit and its MV got over 230 million views (as of January 2021).
In December 2018, the group won the and at “The 60th Japan Record Awards.”
They appeared in “The 69th NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen singing contest,” which was the first time the group members other than ISSA performed in the annual contest.
In March 2019, “桜(sakura)” was released.
In June 2019, DA PUMP held “LIVE DA PUMP 2019 THANX!!!!!!! FINAL” at the Nippon Budokan.
In August 2019, the theme song for “劇場版仮面ライダージオウ Over Quartzer,” “P.A.R.T.Y. ~ユニバース・フェスティバル~” was released. The group members made guest appearances in the movie.
From October to December 2019, the group went on a nationwide tour “LIVE DA PUMP 2019 Funky Tricky Party.”
In December 2019, they won the at “The 61st Japan Record Awards.”
They also appeared in “The 70th NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen singing contest,” which marked their two consecutive appearances in the annual contest.
In February 2020, DA PUMP held “LIVE DA PUMP 2020 Funky Tricky Party FINAL” at the Saitama Super Arena.
In March 2020, “Heart on Fire” was released.
In May 2020, their single “U.S.A.” was awarded the Foreign Song Award at the JASRAC Awards.
In September 2020, “Fantasista~ファンタジスタ~” was released.
In November 2020, the group held their first online independent concert “LIVE DA PUMP 2020 DA NEWE GAME.”
In December 2020, they won the at “The 62nd Japan Record Awards” as they had done in the previous two years.
In March 2021, “Dream on the street” was released.
In 2021 DA PUMP became a group of six members as they are today.