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TeamAyu members only "ayumi hamasaki LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020 ~@舞浜アンフィシアター~", the second lottery for tickets will be held from 15:00 on November 11 (Wed)!

From 15:00 on November 11(Wed.), we're going to hold the second lottery for "ayumi hamasaki LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020 ~@舞浜アンフィシアター~" for TeamAyu members only!

*Tickets for this event are available to those who are already TeamAyu members and those who join TeamAyu as well as receive their member ID before the end of the booking period (?November 16 [Mon] 23:59) and whose membership expiry date is beyond November 2020.

*This performance will consider the current social climate, and will not sell Live Pocket tickets for non-Japanese members. We appreciate your understanding.
>>Come join us at TeamAyu now♪

ayumi hamasaki LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020 ~@舞浜アンフィシアター~

December 24 (Thursday), 2020.

Maihama Amphitheater

[Doors Open / Performance Start Times]
(1)Opening 13:30, starting 14:30~ (Plans)
(2)Opening 17:30, starting 18:30~ (Plans)

[Ticket Types / Prices]
All tickets will cost 7,200 yen; with a shiny uchiwa fan
*Credit card payment only.
*There is a charge for children above the age of 3, and minors need permission from a guardian.
※One member can only purchase up to two tickets (TeamAyu members only).

【Ticket reception period】
November 11, 2020 (Wednesday) 15:00 ~ November 16 (Monday) 23:59

【Result Checking】
November 21, 2020 (Saturday) 

【Precautions about bringing a companion】
※When filling up an application, you can choose to fill up names for the representative (the applicant) and a name for your companion.
※Your companion must be a TeamAyu member, so when you are writing your application, you must fill in your companion's membership number and the full name they used when they registered for a fan club site account, and it must be in katakana. Please keep this in mind when writing your application.

【About Identity Verification】
Because this performance can only be seen by TeamAyu members, it is possible that you might have to undergo an identity check when you are going through the entrance, taking your seat, or other circumstances, for a protocol that prevents people from engaging in resale or counterfeit practices.
"Identity Verification" is a process designated by the promoter of this event in which people will have to show "one identity verification document (or at least two documents)"(For more details, please check the "■About Identity Verification Documents" section below. )
On the day of the performance, please make sure you bring a "digital ticket", a "digital membership certificate", and "one identity verification document (or at least two documents)".
If your ticket was resold, or if it belongs to someone else, then you will not be able to attend the performance. Please understand.
■About Identity Verification Documents
"Identity Verification Documents with Photos" refer to the following. (Anything copied or expired will not be accepted)
・Passport (shows where you live)
・Driver's license
・Basic resident register card with photo
・Student ID with photo (shows where you live; handwritten names are accepted)
・Physical disability certificate
・Residence card (alien registration card)
・Identity number card (notification cards with identity numbers will not be accepted)
"Identity Verification Documents without Photos" refer to the following articles that are supposed to contain the owner's name
・Insurance card
・Copy of certificate of residence
・Official copy of family register
・Official copy of part of family register
・Personal seal registration certificate
・Pension book
・Employee ID card
・Credit card
・Cash card
・Student ID without photo
※Two copies of the same article will not be accepted.
※When presenting two types of articles, one article should confirm your residence.
※Any document besides a bankbook, a patient's registration ticket, any kind of job invoice, any kind of membership card, any kind of postal item, will not count as a "Identity Verification Document", even if they have your name.
※The combination of credit card and cash card will not count as "two types of articles".
If you do not have any one of these articles, or if you refuse to be in accord with the attending guests, then you will assuredly not be allowed to see the performance.
If you lose or forget your "ticket", "digital membership card", or "identity verification documents", you will most likely not be allowed to see the performance.
Please keep this in mind.You will also not be compensated for your travel expenses nor given a refund for your tickets. Please keep this in mind before you come to the event.Also, those who wish to attend the performance while on a wheelchair should contact us through any of the links at the bottom.

【How to Get a Ticket】
※To get a ticket, you will need a smartphone for the smartphone app "AnyPASS".
※You can only get a ticket with the registered phone number you put in your application.You cannot get a ticket with any other phone number, so please make sure you do not change your phone number or cancel your phone contract before the day of the performance. There will be no problems if you change your phone model as long as it has the same phone number.
※Attendees can only get one ticket, so if you have a companion, then they must use AnyPASS to share your ticket.If the companion is to get their own ticket, then they must download AnyPASS and register for a free account.To fill in an application, all attendees must have a smartphone that is capable of SMS verification and has the compatible OS listed below.
※In case a companion is a minor or does not have a compatible smartphone, they can still attend the performance if they can show their ID, name, and contact information.Applicants and their companions can attend if they go together.If you are not able to show any piece of identification papers, or if you are not a minor, then you could be prohibited from attending. We appreciate your understanding.We will keep you updated for more details.
■Compatible OS
iPhone: iOS10 and newer
Android: Android 6.0 and higher
【About Resale Prohibition】
It is absolutely prohibited to resell tickets purchased at the reception desk to third parties.
It is also prohibited to provide third parties tickets so they can resell tickets.If you are found to be reselling tickets that were purchased at the reception desk or attempting to resell tickets (such as selling tickets in an internet auction website), then we may render all those tickets void.
〈Ask questions about the performance〉

〈Ask questions about tickets〉

[Requests for all attendees of "ayumi hamasaki LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020 ~@舞浜アンフィシアター~", and an outline of measures that will be taken to avoid transmission of the virus during the event]

Based on the government's "Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control" (25th May, 2020) and the Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters' countermeasures, as well as in response to requests for the creation of guidelines that were highlighted by the Novel Coronavirus Expert Meeting's "Analysis and Recommendations for the Response to COVID-19" (29th May, 2020), we have created and organized a list of steps that must be observed during this concert in order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, which will be implemented as outlined below.

These measures will also be updated in accordance with future indications and guidelines (progressive steps to ease the restrictions placed upon the holding of events) delivered by the government.

We ask that all attendees read through the following information, and politely request your understanding and cooperation.

- Measures that will be taken during the concert -
- All tickets for the event will be digital.
- When entering the venue, we will ask attendees to operate their own smartphones in accordance with the staff's instructions.
- In order to ensure adequate social distancing, we currently expect to run the event with half of the venue's regular seating capacity. 
- In order to avoid overcrowding, we plan to have attendees enter via a system that designates individual time slots to each seating area.
- Mask wearing and rigorous hand washing and disinfection will be enforced for all of those affiliated with the concert, and temperatures will be thoroughly tested to carefully monitor the health of all of those involved.
- Handrails, door knobs, and other areas that are touched by attendees will be rigorously disinfected.
- The venue will be thoroughly ventilated.
- Adequate distance will be ensured between the stage and audience seating.
- Signs will be set up wherever queuing is necessary, to help attendees line up at an appropriate distance from one another.
- Where face to face contact with attendees is necessary, acrylic plates and transparent plastic curtains will be set up in order to protect against airborne transmission of the virus via droplets.
- Sanitizing solution will be available at multiple locations throughout the venue.
- Signs offering guidance on preventing the spread of the virus will be posted onsite, and staff will also be patrolling and calling out advice in person.
- Smoking areas in the venue will be closed.
- Instructions related to the sale of merchandise at the venue will be delivered again in full before the concert.
- All attendees will be barred from bringing in alcohol, drinking in the venue, and entering in an inebriated state.
- Concert goods and CDs / DVDs will not be sold.
- Plans to provide a box for gifts to the performer(s) have been suspended. The setting of celebratory flowers for the performer(s) has also been canceled, and we ask that attendees be aware of this in advance.
- We ask that those who are pregnant or who suspect that they may be pregnant, those with chronic or underlying illnesses, or those who have mobility issues which require extra assistance prioritize their own health and the health of those around them when considering whether or not to attend the event.
- A temperature testing station will be set up at each entrance, and attendees' body temperatures will be taken with a non-contact thermometer. If an attendee's temperature is 37.5°C (99.5°F) or higher, a further reading will be taken in a designated waiting room. If there is no change in temperature at this point, the attendee will be refused entry.
- Staff in the venue may approach attendees directly in situations where there is a high risk of transmission, such as those of intimate contact. We ask that attendees are cooperative in the case that this occurs.

- Entry Procedure -
1. Verify installation of COCOA.
Attendees will be asked to show their smartphones with the COCOA app open, and staff will check that it is in the active state.
2. Check attendee's temperature with a non-contact thermometer, and have them disinfect their hands.
Attendees with a temperature of 37.5°C (99.5°F) or greater will have their temperature retaken in a medical checkup, and may be refused entry subject to the decision of a staff.
3. Check digital ticket
Attendees will be asked to personally hold up their QR codes to the terminals installed at the venue.
- Requests to attendees -
- We politely ask that all attendees register with COCOA (COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application), the new COVID-19 contact-confirming application released by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare.
■Google Play
■App Store
- We ask that individuals refrain from attending the event if they have had close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. We also ask that individuals do not attend if they have had close contact with residents of or visitors to regions or countries that the government has, within the prior two weeks, declared subject to entry restrictions or periods of supervision following entry.
- Those who exhibit certain symptoms are asked not to attend the event. These include fever of 37.5°C (99.5°F) or higher, cough, difficulty breathing, physical fatigue, sore throat, nasal discharge, blockage, or loss of taste or smell, eye pain or bloodshot eyes, headache, joint or muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Additionally, as alcohol may cause a rise in body temperature, we ask that attendees refrain from drinking before the event. Regardless of circumstances, if an attendee's temperature is 37.5°C (99.5°F) or above, they will be refused entry. Attendees are asked to be aware of this.
- It is essential that all attendees wear masks, and those who do not will be denied entry to the venue. We ask that all attendees be sure to bring their own mask.
- Attendees must clean and disinfect their hands with the provided cleaning liquid when entering the venue.
- In order to prevent the spread of the virus through respiratory droplets, shouting during conversation or when cheering performer(s) is forbidden. Attendees are also asked to refrain from leaving their seat unless absolutely necessary, as well as engaging in contact with other attendees or lending them items.
- We ask that attendees respect cough etiquette and keep conversation to a minimum in the lobby and while seated in the audience.
- Please understand that it may be necessary for our staff to directly speak to those who appear to be feeling unwell. And please note once again that depending on the situation, attendees may be refused entry to the venue.

- Steps to avoid transmission between staff and / or performer(s) -
- Health and temperature checks will be carried out for all staff members and affiliated parties.
- If any of these individuals are determined to have a fever or other symptom of illness, they will not be asked to work.
- In order to prevent transmission via respiratory droplets, business will conducted on the basis that masks and face shields are recommended to all staff.
- When entering the venue or engaging in other related activities, staff will thoroughly disinfect their hands.
- Temperature and health checks will also be carried out for performer(s). Performer(s) will also be required to wear masks at all times when not performing. 
- Additionally, if any unforeseen incidents occur, we will immediately cooperate with health centers and other health administration bodies as well as local medical institutions to swiftly devise a solution that ensures the health and safety of artists and staff.

The aforementioned measures will be updated in accordance with the state of COVID-19 infections going forward, as well as changes in the indications and guidelines from various government agencies and industry groups.

In order to ensure the safety of everyone involved in "ayumi hamasaki LIMITED TA Special Xmas LIVE 2020 ~@舞浜アンフィシアター~", we humbly ask for the understanding and cooperation of each and every attendee.