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2017年10月22日(日)「ayumi hamasaki Just the beginning 第2章 ~sacrifice~」兵庫公演中止のお知らせ


本日10月22日(日)の「ayumi hamasaki Just the beginning 第2章 ~sacrifice~」兵庫公演についてスタッフよりお知らせがあります。

本日、兵庫 神戸国際会館こくさいホールにて開催を予定しておりました「ayumi hamasaki Just the beginning 第2章 ~sacrifice~」ですが、大型で強い台風21号の接近に伴い今後悪天候が続くことが予想されるため、交通機関への影響とお客様の安全を考慮し、誠に残念ではありますが本日の公演を中止させて頂くこととなりました。




Important Announcement

"ayumi hamasaki "Just the beginning the 2nd chapter-sacrifice-" Kobe International House on October 22nd has been canceled due to typhoon effect.

[Canceled performance]
Sunday October 22nd, 2017
Kobe International House

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation.

*Whether the concert will be postponed or canceled, details on the rescheduled date and refund of your tickets will be announced in the coming weeks.
*Your current tickets are valid for rescheduled concert, please keep them in a safe place until we announce the rescheduled date.
However, please be noticed that the concert may not be rescheduled but canceled.
In case the concert will be canceled, you also need your tickets to claim a refund so please keep them in a safe place.