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イベント名:『FAMM’IN TYO #0」
会場:CIRCUS TOKYO http://circus-tokyo.jp
開場:18時00分 / 開演:18時30分
adv ¥2,000 door ¥2,500 (1ドリンク代込み)
live acts: FAKY / FEMM / Yup'in and more
チケットぴあ(Pコード:299012) https://t.pia.jp/pia/event/event.do?eventCd=1622667
イープラス https://eplus.jp  
ローソンチケット(Lコード:76921) ※5/15(日) 10:00~ 発売スタート

FAMM'IN, who released their first digital E.P. on April 27th as a collaboration with FAKY, FEMM, and Yup'in, will have an event soon! 
Not only will FAMM'IN perform their own songs, but there will also be seamless transitions between each artist's diverse performance style. 
Check out the below information to come and see us!
Title ; FAMM'IN TYO #0
Venue : CIRCUS TOKYO http://circus-tokyo.jp
Date : 2016.05.28 (sat)
Open / Start : 6:00 p.m. open / 6:30 start
Ticket : Adv ¥2,000 Door ¥2,500 (Including 1D)
Live acts: FAKY / FEMM / Yup'in and more
Adv tickets are available on the below services
○Ticket Pia(P code:299012)
○e+ https://eplus.jp *From 2016.05.12 (thu)