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6/24(日)に行われる「movement PARK 2018」に出演決定!! We will perform at “movement PARK 2018” on June 24th!

ダンス業界初となる野外ダンスフェスティバルを開催している「movement PARK 2018」が、今年は6月24日(日)埼玉"所沢航空記念公園 野外ステージ"で開催!ストリートカルチャーを愛するものが‘集う場所‘をテーマに、ダンサーが主役を務める野外フェスを目指している本フェスティバル。是非お見逃しなく!!

movement PARK 2018

オフィシャルHP : 

開催日 : 

会場 : 
埼玉県 "所沢航空記念公園 野外ステージ"

時間 : 

料金 : 
¥4,000 (一般自由席) ※会場で交換できるドリンク券がついています!
※4歳より有料となります。 3歳以下のお子様は入場無料となります。

出演 : 
Beat Boddy Boi / J-REXXX / FAKY / SELL OUT / 石川マリー / Yummi / PRANKROOM /ほか

注意事項 : 
・ドリンクチケットの御使用は、お早めにお願い致します。 1枚分はアルコール類・ソフトドリンクと同等となります。終演後の交換出来なかった際の、ドリンク代の返金は一切行いませんので、予めご了承ください。ドリンクチケットは、当日のみ引換えが有効となります。紛失した場合の再発行は行いませんので、ご注意ください。また、アルコールご注文の際に、身分証のご提示頂く場合がございますので、ご協力お願い致します。



・チケットの転売・譲渡は固くお断りいたします。 お客様の過失による紛失(盗難・捨てた等)については、たとえお客様がチケットを購入したという証明があっても、再発行などの手続きは一切できません。チケットは公演当日まで紛失しないよう十分ご注意下さい。


・違法駐車、近隣住民に迷惑になるような行為はおやめ下さい。違法駐車は緊急車両移動などの妨げとなります。 ・会場周辺に駐車場はありますが数に限りがありますので、なるべく公共の交通機関をご利用下さい。

“movement PARK”, which are the first outdoor festival of Japanese dance field will be held at Tokorozawa Aviation Memorial Park in Saitama on June. 24th! According to its theme “the place to be together”, the event aims to be made by all dancers! Don’t miss it!

movement PARK 2018

Official Website : 

Date : 
June 24th (thu)

Venue : 
Saitama / Tokorozawa Aviation Memorial Park

Time : 
12:00 p.m. open

Ticket : 
¥4,000 (Free seat) 
*1 drink ticket will be attached to the ticket. When you enter the venue, change the ticket to your drink.
*Children who are less than 3 years old can enter the venue free.

Acts : 
Beat Boddy Boi / J-REXXX / FAKY / SELL OUT / 石川マリー / Yummi / PRANKROOM and Japanese famous choreographers will perform their dance showcase.

Notice : 

・Change your drink ticket to your drink asap. You cannot use the ticket after the event nor change to money. If you want alcohols, you need to show your ID.
・Come rain or shine. *Canceled in case of stormy weather or natural disaster but  
In case of that there will be no compensation for your ticket.
・As this event will go on a whole day, take care yourself and your condition.
・Come with comfortable shoes. High feels or pin heels may be the cause of injury.

《About ticket and admission》
・The casts may changed. In case of that, the ticket fee will not be back to you. 
・You can buy door ticket by 4,000 yen + 500 yen (1 drink) at the venue.
・It is strictly prohibited to sell and give your ticket to others. In case of that you lose your ticket by you fault, the ticket never will be reissued.
・Those who enter the venue by acts of dishonesty, he/her will be taken to the police and be claimed to pay indemnity.
・Children who are more than 4 years old need a ticket to enter the venue.

・Obey the staff at the venue. The sponsorship, the venue and artists are not to blame for any accidents.
・You can use baby car keeping service at the reception but cannot take them to the seats.
・When you smoke, you must to use smoking are.
・You need to sort the garbage when you throw out it.
・When you reenter the venue, you need to show your wrist band to the staff.
・Don’t do illegal parking and cause troubles to the neighbors. 
・Use public transportation facilities as much as possible.
・You cannot change or return the products sold at the venue except the case they are defective.
・It is prohibited to dive or mosh at the venue.
・The sponsorship is not to be blame for the any injury caused by audience. Also, sponsor ship will not manage to solve the troubles caused by audience to the others.
・The sponsorship, venue and artists are not to blame any troubles at the venue.
・Manage your baggage by yourself.
・Those who cause troubles to the others or don’t obey the staff will be forced to leave the venue and there will be no compensation for his/her ticket.
・You cannot take your pets to the venue except assistance dogs.
・You cannot any drinks, foods, cooler boxes, parasols, mats and bottles, cans, also any explosive material including fireworks.
・It is prohibited to take dangerous things or illegal things to the venue.